5 Tips For Properly Taking Care Of Your Fur In Summer

During summer, the temperatures will be running very high, which makes it necessary that you give some extra attention to protecting your fur coat. Else, the fur can be susceptible to drying out, which will essentially mean investing in a brand new coat. To avoid this, make sure to follow the below tips:

  1. Beware Of Hair Sprays, Cigarettes Etc.

If you use products like hair sprays, perfumes etc. on a constant basis, make sure that they do not come into contact with the coat. It is very likely that the chemicals present in them will cause damage to the natural oils of the hairs. As a consequence, the areas which come into contact with such chemicals will have a dry texture to them rather than the soft texture a fur is supposed to have. And in case you have a habit of smoking cigarettes, make sure that you don’t smoke too much when you have the coat on since the cigarette smell will be absorbed by the coat’s pelt and it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

  1. Keep The Heat In Check

Since it is summer, you should be very careful about storing the coat in your storage space. Because of the heat, not only will the environment be hotter, but even the storage space will get far hotter. As such, keeping the fur coat inside such a storage space is not at all recommended. Instead, you should have a specialized storage unit which will allow you to lower the internal temperature of the storage space to a cooler, more benign level.

  1. Mind The Humidity

When the humidity of the atmosphere is excessive, the natural oils in the fur start to get affected. Eventually, the fur itself will feel dry to touch, losing the velvety, softness it had. This is why it is important to ensure that the fur coat is only stored in a location where the humidity levels can be controlled, ideally set to around 50% level.

  1. Cleaning

Over time, the fur coat will attract dust, dirt, and all types of pollutants to its surface. And these particles will not only accumulate on the coat but will also make it very dry. This happens mostly because the particles drain the natural oils from the hairs. And since it is these oils that nourish the hair and give the coat its lustrous, elegant feel, losing out on them will inevitably make the surface of the coat a bit harsh. As such, it becomes necessary that the coat is cleaned by a professional furrier. Cleaning fur coats need to be done at least once a year. And unlike what you expect, the furrier will not limit themselves to the cleaning process alone. Instead, they will also replenish the hairs with its natural oils so that the coat regains its shine and luster.

  1. Avoid Excessive Sunlight

Remember not to expose the fur coat for too long under the sun, especially since it is the summer season. The heat from the sun will cause the coat to lose moisture and eventually the natural oils will be stripped from the surface.

By Ronan