6 Biblical reality about Michael the Archangel

6 Biblical reality about Michael the Archangel

            Michael is likely the most well-known angelic being in the Bible, next to Satan and Gabriel. And because angels were found so fascinating. There’s been much talk about Michael through the centennial. Michael is defined in all three books as fighting, contending.  Or standing from all principalities and evil spirits. In Bible, angels were mostly served as messengers.

Michael is commonly shown carrying the scales of justice or has a sword. It symbolizes integrity, courage, and truth. Michael is attached to a countless war against the forces of evil. He is considered as the great prince, that defends the people of Israel.

Here are some of the biblical facts about Michael the Archangel: 

  1. Michael is the one and only in the Bible being called an archangel
  • the Greek word for archangel (archággelos) meaning chief messenger or chief angel. The word archangel isn’t utilized to describe him in the Old Testament. But an angel calls him as one of the chief’s princes (Dan 10:13). Yet, if there are any other archangels, the scripture doesn’t reveal who they are.
  1. Michael serves as a guard over Israel
  • An angel describes how the remaining days will playout for the Jews. This is in Daniel’s last perception. In Dan 12:1, during this time that Michael the mighty prince who serves as a guard. Over the sons of your people will emerge. The angel also pertains to Michael as Daniel’s prince (Dan 10:21). It doesn’t state in the Bible what standing guard means. But understandably that Michael has extraordinary responsibilities for Israel.

6 Biblical reality about Michael the Archangel

  1. Michael directly combat Satan
  • Jude declares that Michael opposes Satan about the body of Moses. Sadly, we’re not provided any more details on what that argument was about. According to Jude that Michael wasn’t so bold about saying railing judgment. The Greek word for railing is translated to “defaming”. Or “blasphemous” against the devil.
  1. Michael only said four words in the Scripture
  • These three Greek words are usually interpreted into four English words. Michael told to Satan, in Jude 9. The Lord rebuke you.
  1. Michael is a chief military of some angels
  • In John’s catastrophe, he perceives a great war in heaven. Michael together with his angels’ vs. Satan (dragon) and his angels. The forces and the devil are too fragile to remain in heaven. So they are all thrown to earth (Rev 12: 7-9)
  1. Michael combats the patron angels of different nations
  • In Chapter 10 of Daniel, the prophet fasts, praying, and humbling himself before God. For perception about the Jews future. There’s an angel who appears finally to him after 21 days. And describes the delay: the prince of Persia had been contrasting him the whole time. Until Michael comforted the angel that he could pursue his trip to Daniel. It is long enough that the angel is with Daniel to provide an outline of future happenings. For the Jews, yet must go back to fighting the prince of Persia. In Dan 10:21, that only Michael helps this angel against these forces.

Still, angels are enchanting. If you want to know more you can read http://www.tbom.org/.

By Ronan