Extend the Life of Your Used Car

used cars in miami

If you want to buy a used car, you need to take some precautions as it will likely be the second largest purchase you have ever made, after a home. Most of us borrow money from a bank, credit union, or other financial institution. For this reason, it would be best to do some research before making your final decision.

First of all, you need to decide how much money you are willing to pay for the car and do not revise the pre-set maximum. In addition to the actual value of the vehicle, it must take into account sales tax, insurance coverage, registration costs, as well as a mechanical inspection. Also, a long warranty contract can do a world of good.

Second, being a used car it likely comes with a few flaws. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to you personally; however, you should avoid any car with major structural or mechanical problems. That’s why you should ask the current owner about the vehicle’s accident record and the good reputation of the property, as well as service records. If the seller of the car answers your questions without hesitation and if he is helpful, then this means that the car must be in very good condition and not hide anything.

When you start looking for used cars in miami, read the odometer and remember that a typical distance every year is 22,000 to 25,000 miles. Also, the odometer must match the vehicle’s actual shape and condition. Consider the upholstery, mat rubber, and carpet – if they look worn out, that means how beautifully the car is being used. Inspect the body of the vehicle by taking a close look at the sides for any potential ripples, dents, or signs of repainting.

used cars in miami

Do not forget about rust. Look at the bottom of all doors, undercarriages and wheel openings as these are prime locations. Paint cracks or blisters are actually a manifestation of rust under the paint or worse – a rust hole on the other side of the painting. Remember to take special notice on tires and see if the tires are worn out. When they are, it means that you will have to pay a few hundred dollars for any new set.

If you want to buy a used car that is in good condition, you also need to know if the doors, hood and trunk are tightly closed. For this reason, you should try a car door lock mechanism with a window regulator to determine the right time. Check if the car has damp carpeting or maybe a damp odor inside and if this happens, this means there is some kind of leakage.

For those who have checked all of the above and also found that the car is promising, you need to remove it for a test drive. Silent, residential or any other type of open space is the best environment for a test drive. Avoid cars that do not start right away or do not run smoothly. Check all warning lights as well as the engine gauges to determine if they are all working. Additionally, check the condition of switches and buttons causing all other accessories.

By Ronan