How Drink Labels Are Created?

drink labels

Labels are huge, extremely significant, and an important factor to contribute the best in terms of sight. They are everywhere. Wherever you see, labels are the only thing that makes the first impression and the trial of any product or service comes later. There is a reason why every manufacturing industry has a separate department solely for managing creative and marketing content. The department also includes creating, designing, and printing product labels. There is an entire team devoted to designing the most creative, subtle, yet unique labels for every other product. Here in this article, we will be focusing upon the creation of labels made for drink bottles. Keep reading. 

Colour Choice 

Colour is an important element in designing drink labels. The right colour can enhance or even destroy your label’s overall appeal. Also, the colour should complement the content written on the label and not overshadow it. It works as the first thing that attracts any person’s gaze and therefore, the colour should be both bright as well as bold. 

Deciding Material  

Another important step in creating labels includes deciding upon the material of the label for printing. Drink bottles are usually made up of glass or plastic. While glass bottles are famous for their sturdiness and appeal, plastic bottles are convenient. As you understand the product, now you can go forward and decide about the material of the label. The material of the label must go according to your bottle’s material. For example, for a plastic bottle, choosing a label with a matte texture is more suitable than choosing one for glass. Glass bottles are shiny and will give better appeal with transparent or see-through labels. 

Drink Labels Are Created

Relevance Of Size With Design 

Companies during the creation of drink labels ensure that their bottle has the perfect size and design compatibility. Further, deciding upon label shape is also a challenge since the team needs to make sure that their product information as well as the name and logo is equally highlighted. The message, either the ingredients, information related to manufacturing, or the brand name, etc. should be mentioned to let the customer read the necessary info with ease. One can either choose separate labels for logo and product information that is one at the front and the other at the backside of the bottle. 

Clarity In The Message  

The title and font size should be according to the design and bottle size as well. The creative team then tries to mix and match the size and aptness of the content to suit the bottle. For example, choosing a small font on a big label will create difficulty for people to read, and at the same time putting a large font on a small label will be clunky and create chaos. 


Since creation requires certain steps and a particular process, a company must employ respective procedures to gain the best outcomes. Use impressive designs for better results.

By Ronan