Evan Dombroski On the Nuances of Black and White Photography

nature photography in black and white?

Black and white photography invokes a profound response from the viewer. Images shot in black and white have a robust dramatic effect if the photographer intends to elicit feelings of joy and appreciation. However, they do not have the same effects as vibrant photographs.

Evan Dombroski – how are black and white photographs different?

Eminent nature photographer Evan Dombroski from New York city loves to capture the beauty of landscapes, wildlife, and urban green spaces. According to him, nature’s black and white colors depict a different story altogether. These photographs capture the beauty of nature in its purest forms. They have an outward feel that captures the beauty in the same way one steps outside.

In such photographs, the eyes see nature in color; however, they perceive texture, contrast, and lines in both black and white. These are the main elements in any composition that photographs highlight when they shoot in black and white. The photographer should pay attention to the subject’s form and dominate the image. This image should permit the viewer to identify the form immediately, even without the available colors.

nature photography in black and white?

Capturing different textures 

Both the changes and contrast in black and white photographs are different. The images capture the essence of different textures, and they trigger both positive and negative responses from the viewer. Black and white photographs are best suited for severe story-telling as they transmit emotions like nostalgia, anger, and sadness more effectively than color photographs. Like color photography, the goal of black and white photographs can express one story in a single frame.

If you look at any photographic story, you will find that there is always a key element. If a photograph is shot in color, it often will distract the viewer from the critical aspect of photography. It is prudent to use black and white photography to depict this essential element in such cases.

Do you need a professional camera for nature photography in black and white?

The camera never defines the photograph. When capturing photographs in black and white, you do not need a professional camera. You should have an eye for detail and make the best use of light and lines.

There is one thing that talented photographers have in common: they all have taken time to learn the fundamentals irrespective of the camera device they use. The shutter speed, the ISO, and the aperture stays the same. The compositions are not affected by the quality of the camera you use. If you wish to become a skilled photographer, you should take the time to learn the above things. It would help if you understood compositional techniques, the exposure triangle, light, and color. They allow you to create compelling images even if you only use just black and white photographs.

According to Evan Dombroski, when you understand these basics, you will realize that professional cameras do not help you initially. You need to learn these techniques that help make your images better, irrespective of what camera you use.

By Ronan