The Importance of Home Appraisals to a Successful Refinansiering

Home Appraisals to a Successful Refinansiering

When people consider remortgaging their housing loans, a lot will depend on the appraisal of the property. If the value of their house is so low that they are under the red line, then they cannot continue with this process. Suppose the appraisal value puts their property equity at 20% or less.

In that case, they will get stuck paying for PMI or Private Mortgage Insurance or having to bring physical money to the table to do cash-in refinances. What is more, people might not get the lowest IRs available since lending firms consider people with less equity as a risky investment.

What are home appraisals?

These things are professional opinions of people’s property value. It is a crucial step when it comes to the property purchasing process. An appraisal is conducted by a certified or licensed professional who provides an opinion as an unbiased third-party individual.

These professionals get paid for valuing people’s homes, but have no horse in this race when it comes to whether the borrower qualifies for a refinance or mortgage because of their estimates. Visits from these professionals for about thirty to sixty minutes to examine amenities, evaluate the overall condition of the house, both outside and inside, and measure the total dimension of the property, as well as to take pictures of the garage, every interior room, or the exterior of the house are essential factors that evaluate a property’s actual value.

What are PMIs? Check out this site to find out more.

property assessment

These professionals examine the transaction records of the house similar to yours – usually, properties in the neighborhood that have just been recently sold. Based on these visits and the records, they will arrive at a professional and unbiased opinion of how much the house would sell for if you will sell it or put it in on the housing market. Banking institutions use the value appraisers come up with – along with the borrower’s income, credit history, and assets – to find out how much they will lend to borrowers, as well as the terms of the loan. 

Refinance appraisals versus appraisals

An appraisal is also required if the borrower wants to remortgage their housing loan. As with purchase appraisals, a remortgage appraisal will help protect the bank by making sure that it does not lend borrowers more funds compared to what the property is worth. If the house later goes into foreclosure because of various reasons, the lending firm wants to be able to sell the house and get their money back.

How do these things work?

Two kinds of remortgaging transactions don’t need appraisals: FHA or the Federal Housing Admin’s streamline remortgage and the United States Department of Veteran’s Affairs IR reduction remortgage debenture. All other kinds of transactions need appraisals. Government regulations mandate how appraisers and lending institutions must behave throughout the process.

After the great housing crisis of 2008, the United States government wanted to increase the country’s independence on appraisers to prevent the possibility of inflated housing values because of the activities in the lending industry. The Dodd-Frank law, as well as the Truth in Lending Law, are some regulations that need evaluations and appraisals to be conducted independently. It is based on being free from outside influences and established criteria.

Because the government requirements on appraiser independence define a narrow extent of acceptable interactions between loan officers and appraisers, lending institutions are afraid that having contacts with appraisers could be considered as a violation of the laws mentioned above by attempting to influence an appraiser’s opinion before appraisals are completed.

Lending firms err on the side of safety and caution to avoid the possibility of serious disciplinary actions. Brokers and loan officers can’t choosing the appraiser, nor can the property owners or borrowers. Firms can order appraisals through third-party organizations called appraisal management companies or AMCs.

Using these firms is not a pre-requisite for approval, but it is a common approach when it comes to appraiser independence. A lot of lenders, particularly small startups or local ones – have direct referral relationships with small groups of individual appraisers. There is a good chance that they will not use an appraisal management company.

Additionally, lenders may use their in-house independent appraisal officers to do the job. These professionals should have enough local knowledge of the site (market competence). They are expected to follow USPAP or the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice given by The Appraisal Foundation. However, these standards are not considered laws.

Check out sites like Sø to know more about refinancing. 

cost of a property assessment

Who pays for these procedures?

Borrowers need to pay for these procedures regardless of whether the debenture closed because the professional still did the job. While these charges may seem worthwhile if they enable individuals to get the remortgaging terms that they want, it may seem like a total waste of funds if low appraisals mean that people cannot remortgage.

Since lending firms can’t discuss a property’s value or anticipate a target value with appraisers at the time of their assignment, property owners are not able to get the professional’s ballpark estimate of whether their house is likely to get a high value, enough for them to remortgage before they pay for this type of service, as they could before the new rules and regulations.

At best, people can search for comparable sales on online sites, but these records may be incomplete or inaccurate. Another way to do this is to ask a qualified real estate officer to do CMA or Comparative Market Analysis and provide homeowners with recent printouts of comparable sales from different listing services. Make sure to ask nicely, as these professionals will be doing you a huge favor – unlike home sales, they will not earn commissions from refinances. 

What is the cost of a property assessment?

Assessment fees differ from state to state, but professionals need to charge reasonable and customary charges for the area. People can expect to pay for lending firms at least $300 for the assessment of a traditional family home. Bigger and more complex houses are more expensive since the inspection takes more energy and time.

The bottom line

Understanding how these things work will provide homeowners the best chance of getting an assessments to assign the highest and best possible value to their properties. Refinance and purchase assessment do not always come in on the value people hope for, and they are a human process that is full of mistakes and with room for subjectivity. People can appeal to lower assessments, but they will only succeed with strong and complete information to back up their claims.

By Ronan