What Is Respirator Fit Test And Why It Is Important In Singapore?

What Is Respirator Fit Test And Why It Is Important In Singapore

If an employee work in a perilous environment, full of dust, harmful gases, fumes, etc., then Health Organization recommend them to wear respirators. Respirators protect the person from harmful toxic gases, allowing them to breathe safely.

What is a respirator?

It is a device, worn over the mouth and nose to protect the respiratory system by purifying hazardous substances such as dust, fumes, bacteria, and other harmful gases.

Respirators protect users basically in two ways. The first type of respirator detaches impurity from the air and is known as the air-purifying respirator (APR). Other types of respirators protect by supplying clean air from another source.

What is a respiratory test?

A respiratory fit test is done to check whether a respirator fits properly on the face of the person who wears it. Studies show that if mask size and shape are not according to a person’s face, then wearers cannot be protected if there are gaps. It is necessary to have a respirator fit test before purchasing a respirator device. More and more number of employee is going toward respirator fit test singapore to ensure their health and to get protected from the hazardous atmosphere.

What are the things covered in the respirator fit test?

The medical recommendation will cover three things:

  • If the employee is medically fit to wear the respirator, and if they have a certain medical issue wearing it.
  • Whether the employee requires medical evaluations.
  • A copy of the recommendation with the statement.

If an individual is alright with wearing a respirator, then they have to go through two fit tests: a qualitative fit test and a quantitative fit test.

Qualitative fit test

A qualitative test is used to test negative pressure respirators, air-purifying respirators, and tight-fitting facepieces used with powered and atmosphere-supplying respirators.

For the respirator fit test, the person will have to perform seven exercises for one minute each:

  • Normal breathing.
  • Deep breathing.
  • Moving head side to side.
  • Moving head up and down.
  • Bending over.
  • Normal breathing.

If the person is not able to sense any odor or irritation during performing these exercises, the qualitative fit test is passed and it is safe to wear the respirator.

Quantitative fit test

A quantitative fit test is performed to test any tight-fitting respirator, to make sure that there is a proper seal to protect the user. An instrument is used to measure leakage around the face, resulting in a number called the “fit factor”.

There are three protocols for this respirator fit test singapore:

  • Using a non-hazardous aerosol in a test chamber.
  • Using ambient aerosol without a test chamber.
  • Creating a vacuum that temporarily cuts off air.

This test also requires the person to perform the same seven exercises, with some additional grimace test. A fit factor of at least 100 is needed for a half-mask respirator, while a fit factor of at least 500 is needed for full-facepiece negative-pressure respirators.

By Ronan