Joon Faii Ong London Offers Pointers on Managing Parkinson’s Disease with a Healthy Lifestyle

Joon Faii Ong London

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that influences the predominately dopamine-producing neurons in a specific area of the brain. Symptoms of this condition develop gradually over years. The progression of its symptoms can, however, be considerably different from one person to another.  Tremors are one of the most common and prominent symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Joon Faii Ong London is an inventor behind the GyroGlove, which is a wearable technology designed to reduce hand tremors caused by distinguished health problems, including Parkinson’s disease.

Joon Faii Ong London discusses a few ways to live with and manage Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease impacts each person differently, but regardless of the specific situation of a patient, there are a few habits that they can work into their daily routine to deal with their symptoms and live life more fully. Here are a few of those habits:

  • Exercise regularly: Stretching and moving the body every day can be quite helpful for boosting overall health. Patients of Parkinson’s disease can especially gain better flexibility and balance with regular exercise. Walking, gardening, stretching and dancing are a few simple physical activities that one may try out.
  • Eat healthily: It is common for people with Parkinson’s disease to face issues of constipation, weight loss, bone thinning and dehydration. To manage these problems, it is important to maintain a healthy diet. One should ideally have a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains every day, and especially consume items with high levels of calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and vitamin K for bone strength. Limiting salt, sugar and sodium will also be a smart choice. One must also try to drink a lot of water, at least 8 glasses a day.
  • Follow a good sleep routine: Many people with Parkinson’s disease face trouble in falling asleep. Hence, they should proactively follow a few practices that help them to get better slumber.  Creating a relaxing pre-bedtime routine and following it every night can be quite helpful. One must avoid screens and keep the bedroom dark at night to get better sleep.  Having a mattress and pillow that are comfortable and provide proper support is also imperative to improving sleep quality.
  • Be fall savvy: Balancing problems can be a huge concern for anyone with Parkinson’s disease. Hence, they should be mindful of following a few techniques when moving around, to lower the rid of falls. Planting the heel first when taking a step, changing directions with a U-turn instead of a pivot, and trying to keep the posture straight while waking can contribute to reducing the risk of falling.  Avoiding walking fast or backwards would also be a good idea.

The use of GyroGlove invented by Joon Faii Ong London can additionally be of huge help for patients with Parkinson’s disease who face significant issues due to hand tremors. Drawing upon his background in bioengineering, science and medicine, Faii Ong sought to innovate at the intersection of all three fields. Now he serves as the full-time CEO of GyroGear.

By Ronan