Protect your brands to ensure there is no misuse

Protect your brands to ensure there is no misuse

Nowadays, theft and robbery have changed their form. When it used to be in physical mode, it now happens in online mode. We might have heard many times that a message popped up on someone’s phone, the person opened it, and all the money from his account was stolen in a single click. So robust this online theft has become so robust that it is not easy to control. The most dangerous type of robbery in a business is the intellectual property right of a firm, where the business remains with the owner. Still, it is registered by someone else in his name, thus leading to the theft of one’s original intellectual property rights. security label is the most innovative ways to tackle such copy and theft.

How do the labels protect your product?

security label

These unique security labels have clone-proof QR codes; when anyone scans the Q-R code, he is directed to the information page, where the consumer can know about the genuineness of the product. The Q-R code is unique and is specifically used for a single product only, i.e., one product will have one unique Q-R code that will be dedicated to it only. Such advanced technology is not only good for customers who want to buy a genuine product, but it is also suitable for companies that protect their products’ individuality and make them duplicate proof.

What does product duplicity lead to?

You must have gone through the nightmare of telling your retailers the difference between the original product and the d-product; it isn’t easy. To put that short, the Q-R code works for you; it can be easily installed at the back of the product your company manufactures, and then by scanning the code, you can easily understand whether the product is original or not. This ensures keeping up with customers’ beliefs and loss of potential customers to sub-level companies. It is also suitable for companies trying to bring new ideas and opportunities to the market; they can protect their ideas using this label and ensure no other company is trying to copy that.

Rethink your product’s authentication

In today’s world, where everything is marked by technology, it is not easy to label your product and expect that it is safe. The product can only be safe, the way it is stolen. Technology is a boon and a bane simultaneously, and we work to make it a bane for you. Use the advanced security labels to protect your product from falling into the wrong hands.

By Ronan