Bruce Weber Photographer Offers Tips for Taking Professional Photographs


For a layman, taking a good photo might seem simple; just point and shoot. But anyone who has really tried to take professional grade photos would know that there is way more to that. Right from selecting the right subject and finding the perfect light to setting up a cool composition, a lot of effort and consideration goes into capturing the ideal photo. Industry professionals like Bruce Weber Photographer are well-acquainted with the right techniques and approaches that allow them to capture truly brilliant photos.

Bruce Weber Photographer underlines a few valuable pointers on taking better photos

The focal point of a photograph is its main point of interest. This focal point can be almost anything, starting from a tree or building to a person or a pet. Finding a strong focal point is among the fundamental steps of learning how to take professional photos. As a photographer identifies the focal point of their shot, they can gradually work towards making it as strong as it can be. Following composition techniques like leading lines and rule of thirds can help get the perfect outcome.

Interesting lighting is one of the simplest, yet most impactful ways of making an image look professional. When capturing a portrait, the photographers may place the subject in shade to put even lighting on their face. The back of the subject can also be turned to the sun so that hard shadows do not rake across the face. The timing of the day is critical to get the ideal lighting for landscape photos. Most photographers prefer capturing landscapes early morning at sunrise or late in the evening at sunset. In addition to lighting, perspective also has a huge impact on how a photo ultimately turns out. By just changing the angle of a shot, photographers can actually change the meaning and mood of the image. While shooting a person from below may make them look like a towering figure, a bird’s eye view can make the same person look small. Hence, when up a shot, photographers should try to walk around the subject and search for interesting angles that can make the composition more impactful. Creative composition is important for taking professional grade photos.


Finding ways to convey depth is another vital step involved in learning how to take professional photographs. If a photographer ignores this rule, their images may end up feeling quite boring and flat. The ideal way to convey depth is to include a few elements in the background, middle, and foreground. For instance, rather than shooting portraits with the subject standing against the wall, find a better background with some depth or bring the subject closer to the camera. Adding a bokeh effect can be helpful while trying to add depth to the photos. This intentional out-of-focus blur effect can be seen in many professional photos

Any amateur photographer can take their photography to the next level by following the tips mentioned above. While one shouldn’t expect to become a pro like Bruce Weber Photographer instantly, they can definitely witness vast improvement in their photos by putting in adequate efforts and hard work.

By Ronan