Taxation is basically impositionof a financial obligation upon individuals and companies by the government to finance the many services provided by them, likebuilding schools and roads, National defense, and providing social services. There is variety of taxes at the federal, state, and municipal levels and a wide range of activities that are taxed, as well as there are wide range of activities that are exempted from taxation as well. This makes the whole taxation business a very complex area of law. This is where the Tax Attorneys are required to help their clients navigate the highly technical tax laws.
A typical job description of a Tax Attorney:
ATax Attorney resolves any financial or tax law issues of their clients. They need to have an in depth knowledge of tax laws with regards to income, property, gift and federal tax. Tax attorneys are alsoresponsible for a number of different tasks. These are:
- Maintenance of confidential records and tax information of their clients.
- Should have understanding of finance of and accounts.
- Should be able to communicate and negotiate with federal, state and local government.
- Should be able to evaluating and assess complicated tax issues.
- Should have in-depth knowledge of federal and state laws.
Required Skill set:
Apart from having the required degree in law, a Tax attorney also needs to have certain soft skills to be successful in their career. Some of the skills, which an aspiring Tax Attorney must have, are the following:
- Tax attorneys need to have creative problem-solving skills as clients like to go to atax Attorney who gives creative solutions to complex problems.
- A tax lawyer needs to have strong analytical skills. They must be able to identify the issues, analyze and formulate strategies. It helps to be able to explain, complicated concepts in simple terms.
- They also should have excellent writing skills as lot of writing is involved and the lawyer should be able to put across his point of view very strongly in front of the tax officials.
- Tax attorneys also need to have good research skills as lot of legal and factual research are involved.
- Need to have good interpersonal skills as the tax attorneys need to work closely with the clients.
Where a Tax Attorney Works:
Tax Attorneysget hired by law firms, corporations, and government agencies. They get hired by large law firms dealing with tax issues, estate planning, and employee benefits.They is also hired by large accounting firms.
A tax attorney finds this field of law very rewarding as they are intellectuallychallenged because of the complex nature of their work.There is a feeling of satisfaction as they help their clients save money and provide solutions to the clients’ tax problems. It allows them to foster great relationships with the client as well as their team members with whom they work.