Clash between the Steroids: Anadrol Vs Dianabol

Bodybuilders prefer both Anadrol and D-bol for building muscles, as each of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is up to the individual to select which one suits the best for the body.

Which one is going to be good for more strength, for more size and less impactful in terms of side effects? Let’s check out here the preference of oximetolona vs dianabol.


  • Anadrol is one of the strongest oral steroids that is also known as Oximetolona, A-50, etc.
  • It is very highly anabolic and highly androgenic.
  • When you consider the detection time, it can be detected for over a time of 6 to 8 weeks generally.
  • It has an active half-life about 14-16 hours
  • The anabolic to androgenic ratio is 320-45 and it’s a very potent steroid
  • It is well known amongst steroid that can boost the number of red blood cells and it can protect joints under heavy loads, also during intense workouts.
  • It is very popular among many bodybuilders and many people who are preparing for shows. They tend to use Anadrol for dramatic muscle gains.
  • It is one of the best for strength, muscle mass, and weight gain


  • It is also known as the breakfast of champions
  • It promotes positive nitrogen balance
  • It brings about the protein metabolism in the body
  • By using D-bol you can experience a fast increase in your appetite, self-esteem, and self-confidence.
  • It makes bodybuilders feel great due to the fact that you have high amounts of nitrogen storage, protein synthesis, muscle mass, muscle function and body strength.
  • It is considered as the “favorite” steroid of many bodybuilders and professional athletes
  • It is used to mainly kick-start the bulking cycle.
  • You need to keep an eye on the usage levels


  • Both D-bol and Anadrol bind really well with the androgen receptors.
  • Both are c17 alkylated
  • You need to protect your liver and kidneys as they both are toxic to the body. So it is recommended to check with your instructor on the dosage limits before starting the cycle.

If you need to get the most of Anadrol and Dianabol, you need to use it properly. Most people get through both the steroids with no side effects. It depends on each other’s body conditions and acceptance. There are many factors when considering the dose of steroids – including age, weight, sex, liver and kidney functions. In this scenario, the user’s body weight and the recommended steroid dosage must match. If not, it could lead to serious illness and depression. The dosage instructions as written on the prescription or the dose chart is very important and is found to be the main reason for reducing the side effects.

The bulking steroids have had a lot of positive feedback from bodybuilders and they have been tried and tested over the years. Anadrol and Dianabol are the most popular steroids for fast weight gain, however in the form of water and muscles. Even though they have their negatives, they are considered to be the best steroids for bodybuilding.

By Ronan