Daniel Klibanoff – How Can Direct Marketing Strategies Transform the Fate of Your Small Business?

Choose the right channel

Direct marketing strategies are instrumental in boosting the success of every small business. This form of marketing reaches out to the targeted customer with customized messages for lead conversions. With the proper strategies for email marketing, social media marketing, and display ads on the Internet, small businesses are able to double their lead conversions and boost returns on investments with success.

An entrepreneur from Asheville, North Carolina, Daniel Klibanoff is an expert in direct marketing and business growth. For the last 38 years, he has been instrumental in boosting the growth of many large data companies he has owned in the region. Currently, he is the President and the CEO of Multimedia Lists Inc, a leading name in multi-channel audience and data solutions in North Carolina, USA.

Direct marketing boons for small business owners

Gone are the days when direct marketing was considered intrusive to customers’ privacy. With the advent of the Internet and technological developments, customers look forward to getting marketing messages about products/services from their favorite business brands. Direct marketing has evolved, and this is why you should embrace its benefits to boost lead conversions and sales success.

Divide your targeted audience into small groups

However, when it comes to planning your direct marketing campaigns, you should group your targeted audience into small segments based on age, gender, location, purchasing patterns, etc. These groups will help you create a customized marketing message to convert your leads into customers.

When crafting your marketing message, the choice of words should successfully trigger the desired response in the targeted audience. Your business message should have a solid call-to-action to guide the customer on the next step. Getting these direct marketing basics right will give you a strategic edge in the market with your product/service sales.

Choosing the right channel

Once you have the marketing message in place, your next step is to choose the right channel. As mentioned above, you can choose emails, online display ads, or social media platforms to communicate directly with your customer.

According to him, social media marketing is the most powerful tool for communicating directly to your customer. A large community of potential customers buys a product/service after seeing it on a social media platform. Moreover, social media allows you to interact with potential and present customers, attracting a new audience and retaining an existing one.

Daniel Klibanoff believes that no business can survive in the fiercely competitive market without direct marketing strategies. Extensive planning and implementation of the above help you increase conversion success rates. You need time and research to plan your campaigns, so do it carefully with a proper market survey.

Direct marketing helps your small business track performance results accurately. This way, you can make changes to your marketing campaign based on customer response and feedback.

Your sales pitches should be creative and concise with the target to grab the attention of the targeted audience successfully for conversion!

By Ronan