Dianabol Half-Life & Best Way to Take Dbol Explained

Dianabol is the first choice and widely used steroid by many bodybuilders due to the fact that one can see almost instant results by using Dianabol. It helps in rapid muscle and strength gain. However, due to its half-life, one needs to split the dose throughout the day. One also needs to carefully administer the doses so as to avoid the side effects along with a gap of 6 weeks before restarting the cycle. Did you know that half-life of Dianabol is estimated at about three to five hours?

Dianabol’s half-life and dosing

Most of the oral steroids have a short half-life. Likewise, Dianabol has a half-life is estimated at about 3 to 5 hours which means there is a necessity to take the dose throughout the day in order to have it running in your bloodstream. Hence, many bodybuilders take to divide the dose into 3 doses of one in the morning, one before workout and the last before going bed. Some people also take 4 doses per day. This is possible because everyone’s body tolerates a different dose and hence you can decide on the dose. This method of dividing the dose and take it with your meal also avoids any stomach upset problems.

Some bodybuilding forums also suggest taking the whole dose before the workout as they feel it gives greater reuptake of the drug. But remember that Dianabol can be harsh on the liver and take high doses at once will surely strain the liver which you will notice later.

Best Way to take it

From the above, it is clear that due to its short half life is estimated at about 3 to 5 hours, it is advisable to take it in small doses throughout the day. But what exactly is the right time? As many take it for bulking cycle only, it can be taken at any time in the day. However, like we discussed earlier, the body’s ability to tolerate is different for everybody. Hence, some can do with one high dose and others can do well with 2 or 3 or even 4 divided doses per day. In order to be on a safer side, it is advised to take one dose 20 minutes before the workout to help your body to work out irrespective of food and then divide the rest of the doses to be taken one in the morning and one in the evening or before sleeping. If you find that it is interfering with your sleep, just take 2 doses with the last dose in the afternoon.

One can see great results by starting at a low dose of 5mg for 6 weeks. For dramatic results, the maximum dose is 15-30mg per day for beginners and 30-50mg for experienced users. Very fewer females use Dianabol and those who use; they take only 2.5-5mg per day with 10mg being the maximum dose.


Available in small doses, Dianabol should be taken in small doses throughout the day due to its short half-life. Looking at this, Dianabol is good for bulking cycle.

By Ronan