1.   introduction

Use of colored contact lenses is trending nowadays. These contact lenses can also be used to correct the vision. Even though the sites provide sterile contact lenses But doctors prescription is must before buying any kind of contact lenses because without the prescription it may lead to various eye diseases which are not known to them users. Contact lenses are provided by online websites, drug stores, Cosmetic stores, beauty salons etc. a survey was conducted in Texas Where only 3.9% all the contact wearers are having eye doctor prescription. Here is a green contacts website which accepts the prescriptions.

2.    What if the contact wearers doesn’t have prescription

                     i.            There are a list of websites which provide green contacts which supplies prescription based contact lenses

                   ii.            One can use the contact lenses and discard in a single day but nowadays the longevity of the contact lenses has been increased

                 iii.            The use of same contact lenses for few days might create some problems because they have to keep the same contact lenses in the case provided after every use

                 iv.            Meanwhile the box might get contaminated with the aerosol in the air, That means it indirectly harborsmicroorganisms.

                   v.            While keeping and removing the same contact lenses for days and during cleaning the same contact lenses first days might create scratches

                 vi.            The scratches that were created on the lenses, the microorganisms in the case will create knowingly or unknowingly a lot of eye problems like Ulcers, inflammation, cataracts,itching, Vision loss, corneal injury etc.

               vii.            In order to prevent all these problems it is better to take doctor’s advice before the purchase of contact lenses with the prescription provided one can buy the required colored contact lenses.

             viii.            Doctor will advise the customizable lenses which can be purchased from the online stores which accepts prescriptions and can be worn as suggested by the doctor.

                 ix.            By following the doctor’s advice one can prevent eye infections.

                   x.            One should compulsorily discard the lenses after their expiry even though they are in good condition, if not then it might lead to further problems.

3.To sum up

Yes, it is better to take the doctor’s advice prior to the purchase of contact lenses.As I doctors provides customizable contact lenses further patience which can be purchased from any online website which takes prescriptionand also from local stores. Because the doctor suggests you how to use, how to wear ,how to sanitize our hands before placing lenses, And how to clean it. Thus it is better to take doctors prescription before purchase of any colored contact lenses

By Ronan