Great sisal carpet Choices: How You Can Get the Best

The space is the first thing we have to analyze. But not the outer space, nor the Euclidean space, or the one we see when we look at the sky, but the one we have at home, more specifically under our feet: the ground, for example, studying the size of the sisal carpet.

In large spaces, rugs can be essential to define and separate at first glance the different environments or areas that you want to create.

Oslo vinyl rug

But in super large spaces, even in industrial studios or loft-type spaces, we can use the rugs even for the opposite: to unite instead of separate, to find connection points, links that unify the different areas and give the feeling of all common.

  • The more different the rugs are, the more they will help us to differentiate the different areas.
  • But this “different” to which we refer can be carried out in different ways.

Synthetic carpet with rubber base

In small spaces, apart from the obvious solution of placing smaller rugs, round rugs can get us out of a lot of trouble since by not having corners, they are visually much lighter and more pleasant than square ones.

Natural round rug

The importance of the cast: protagonists and supporting actors

As if we were the casting director of a Hollywood movie, it is essential when choosing a carpet to be clear about the prominence we want to give to each piece and assign the main and supporting roles wisely.

Cotton rug

That is to say: the unit can be stored keeping the same carpet material and simply changing the color, or we can maintain the color in all the carpets but change the texture, which will also indicate not only that we change the area but that in that area it is they do different things.

And of course, you can change everything: material and color, but with this option, the achieved areas are absolutely independent.

Polypropylene carpet

If we want to give a rug many prominences, we have to choose materials that contrast with the rest of the decoration, either by the material itself, by the color, or by both.

The right size is key

The size will also give or take away prominence to the carpet. But be careful, if we cut the carpet size a lot, we must be careful not to fall into a shortage, since a smaller carpet than it should be can make the result a bit ridiculous.

If the problem is the budget, it is preferable to wait for a little and save enough to have the perfect carpet.

Pickled bamboo rug

Or be flexible and change your mind by choosing another rug that is more suited to our economy but that looks good where we put it, with more than enough measurements. That is preferable to putting a carpet of a much higher quality than the one that does not reach the budget other than at a minimum size that the only thing that gives us is the feeling of scarcity.

Large vinyl rug

It is because a carpet has to be enveloping, both with the furniture that surrounds it and with space itself. There is a big difference between a rug occupying only the area in front of the sofa with a low table on top or a larger rug including the sofa as well. This does not mean that neither of the two options is terrible; each one’s taste is what should prevail in the end. It is useless to have a perfect house decoratively speaking if you do not live comfortably in it.

By Ronan