There are two important elements to maintaining a hydroponic garden: pH level and nutrient concentration. It is important to have a tool such as a bluelab ph pencil to determine the pH level. In addition, a high quality submersible pump is also needed to maintain the water. Read this article to learn how important it is to know and control your pH level and how to choose the right pump.
The pH level is an important factor as it helps determine the amount of nutrients that plants can absorb. The only thing is that each type of nutrient is absorbed at a different concentration. The ideal pH range for best nutrient absorption is 6 to 7. If you have a bluelab ph pencil, it will be easier for you to know what the pH of the solution is.
In hydroponics, nutrient concentrates are generally acidic, while the pH of the water is 7. When nutrients are added to the water, the pH drops. It is when; you need to adjust the pH level. To increase this level, an alkaline solution must be added. On the other hand, lowering the pH level is rarely required. With a suitable tool like the bluelab ph pencil, it is easier to get the correct information about the solution and make adjustments if necessary.
The submersible pump is also an important part of the hydroponic system. There are many factors to consider when choosing the right pump. Please note that maximum flow and head / lift do not make much sense when choosing a pump. Make sure you choose a quality pump at an affordable price. It should provide the desired flow rate at the required height with minimum energy consumption.
Before choosing a submersible pump, it is important to determine the required flow rate. Hydroponic systems typically require a flow rate of 100 gallons per hour for a single contour of a 120-foot maximum bed length. Drainage or flooding requires a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 cycles per hour. It would also be necessary to find a lift system. This is measured by the vertical distance between the pump discharge point and the top water level in the pump reservoir.
There are many other considerations when choosing a submersible pump. Pump life will be significantly increased by choosing a constant pump duty cycle instead of an intermittent one. This will eliminate the need for a level controller or timer. Please note that the pump will last 2-4 times the specified warranty period.
As a rule, it is not necessary for a submersible pump Singapore to have a foam filter, as the sieve cover is more than sufficient. The foam filter can quickly clog the pump. Microalgae are also a concern, but they are not a problem as long as the water flow is not disturbed. Keep these points in mind and don’t forget to get more information online before choosing the perfect pump.