How to Make Ritual Hockey a Success

How to Make Ritual Hockey a Success

Hockey is a game of rituals. From the time you wake up to when you go to bed, hockey demands your presence. From your first time on skates, every time you step onto the ice, every shift and save are new and different. Hockey can be frustrating at times, but it’s also a great sport that brings people together.

For those passionate players about their game, you understand what a high level of engagement is required from the entire team. Unless a team has an experienced coach, many teams struggle with establishing rituals and achieving success. If you have ever coached or played for a team, then the chances are that you have experienced some level of failure and some successes along the way. Go to and learn more.

You don’t need to be a professional coach to develop great habits within any hockey team. While there are thousands of strategies and techniques, you don’t need special skills or exceptional talents to make a difference. It all begins with the commitment of a few people that are willing to invest time into the team. The remainder of the team can help determine what is required to achieve positive results.

hockey game

The following activities will assist you in developing a successful hockey team. These also work well if you want to begin setting and achieving your personal goals as well:

Begin with personal development. Think about your strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, and feelings regarding hockey? Are you nervous or excited? Do you love the game, or do you see it as a chore? What are your reasons for playing? Is it to win or just because all of your friends are playing in the league, too? How would you define success? How many hours per day do you practice or play? What level of commitment do you have towards hockey altogether? Answers to these questions will provide important insight into who you are as an individual and, more importantly, as a hockey player.

If your answers measure up with at least 80% of what’s written above, then this article is not for you but if not, keep reading! Deepen understanding and appreciation for rituals, routines, and systems – To succeed in any sport or activity, understanding how rituals, routines, and systems work together can make all the difference. For example: Have a system in place where each player can pass accurately while on each side (lateral) from both feet (regular stance).

Hockey is not just passing from one side to the next but an understanding of systems to properly execute any pass. If you are on your weak side and want to back-pass to a teammate, then first understand before you do it that for your pass to be accurate, it will be on your off-foot or foot with the least amount of accuracy or power. And second, know precisely how much power and how far away from your teammate you can let go of the puck to arrive at a specific time with a particular pace and at the right height.

By Ronan