How to use Moisturizer Properly? Everything about Moisturizers

What is a moisturizer?

A moisturizer is something that stops your skin from self hydrating. Our skin is built in such a way that it can hydrate itself. But when you start applying moisturizers regularly, the skin forgets that it can produce moisture and gets habituated to artificial man-made moisturizers.

Most moisturizers are emulsions of oil and water. That is the reason they are called lotions or moisturizers. If you ever have a look at the ingredients in moisturizer packs, you will find water as the core ingredient, in which little soaks into your skin and the rest gets evaporated.

Benefits of moisturizing:

  • Moisturizing skin can reduce the chances of skin problems. Using the one which suits your skin can do wonders sometimes.
  • Moisturising skin helps in maintaining its pH levels and balances them.
  • Moisturizing your skin helps your skin stay young by regenerating skin cells.
  • It also fights against wrinkles on your skin
  • Applying moisturizer delays ageing as well

Many people think that oily skin doesn’t need any moisturizer. But that’s wrong. All skin types need moisturizer, even if your skin produces enough oil, it doesn’t mean it has enough water. So, hydrating skin is more important to make your skin look young, soft and smooth.

Which one to use: cream or lotion?

First things first, moisturizing reduces skin problems. If your skin is very dry, there are chances that acne may appear. So you must apply cream-based moisturizer. Similarly, if your skin tends to produce more oil, you should try applying lotion with exfoliate ingredients other than cream.

As Singapore is a hot weather is important to keep your skin moisturized and hydrated always. If your skin becomes oily, you should understand that it is dehydrated. Then your body will start producing its oil to protect skin from drying. There are many skin moisturising cream singapore to match all your skin types.

How can you pick the right moisturizer in Singapore?

There are many things you should consider while buying a skin moisturising cream in is better to take time and choose the product instead of buying something and regretting it later.

The first thing you should consider is

  • Skin type :

You should choose the moisturizer based on your skiing type. Not all the moisturizing creams in Singapore fit all skin types. So know your types and choose the product.

  • Ingredients:

Every product has its benefits and its own harms on your skin. So it is always better to check the ingredients before buying your moisturizing cream.  Naturally, water-based creams fit most skin types in Singapore.

  • Climate:

Climate is the main factor that affects your skin. Prefer using gel-based or light moisturizers in warm weathers to avoid looking oily.

Finally get yourself a SPF 50 moisturizer to protect your skin from direct sun rays or light.

By Ronan