Real clenbuterol pills, liquid gels, and spray pens are used in the treatment of a variety of respiratory disorders. Clen tablets may also be used to promote fat loss and help you diet more effectively. This stimulant has a powerful effect on suppressing the appetite and can also boost the metabolism. As a result, many women and men search online to buy real Clenbuterol products with brand names like Sopharma or Astralean.
Identifying Real Clenbuterol Brands
Buying from a trustworthy source and brand name is the best way to ensure that you are purchasing legit gear, but it can be difficult to sort out reliable and safe places to buy from online versus the scammers. In some countries, real Clenbuterol medications can be sold without a prescription as an “over the counter” breathing remedy and bronchodilator. These are the best sources to get real Clen pills from as the quality of medical grade brand name products will be higher than those made by underground labs. Most pills come in a white, small circular format that is described as looking similar to an artificial sweetener. Some brands may add in a coloring agent, but the natural color of Clenbuterol hydrochloride is white. Avoid the brand name VPX Liquid Clen as this does not contain real Clenbuterol Hydrochloride and is instead a dietary supplement.
Brand Names of Real Clenbuterol
If you want to buy real Clenbuterol in liquid or gel form, you can find it sold by other brands including Claire gel, Medistar, Clenbuterlene, USA Peptide, Extreme Peptides, Maxim Peptide, Geo Peptides, Blue Sky Peptides, Madison James Research, RUI Products, Primo Labs or ClenPen Spray Pens. It is important to note that even if you are buying a product with one of these brand names listed above, you may not be getting a real Clen hydrochloride pill. Some counterfeiters will try to rip off the real brands by providing similar packaging, but identification fake Clenbuterol there may be slight differences in the way that the pill looks.
Effects of Real Clenbuterol Tablets
One of the most obvious signs that you have bought real clenbuterol instead of a fake brand is the onset of effects shortly after you take this product. If you are not used to taking Clenbuterol HCL, the effects that first-timers report can be quite strong. Everyone should begin using the lowest dose with Clen as there can be typical stimulant-like side effects, including restlessness, over-excitation, jitters and muscle cramping. If you do not experience the characteristic “shakes” after you take your Clenbuterol product, then chances are you have bought a fake product or one that has been underdosed.
Alternatives to Buying Real Clenbuterol Pills
If you cannot legally buy the real Clen hydrochloride drug in your country, there are alternatives that you can look into. While the ingredients list might be different, many of the results reported by users are similar and they all work by helping to stimulate your metabolism and burn excess body fat.