Magnesium Chloride and Anxiety: here are the main beneficial actions

different types of magnesium

The anti-stress mineral par excellence, the nutrient of happiness, the perfect combination of energy and relaxation . What are we talking about? Of magnesium chloride : there are now many studies that highlight the correlation between it and the positive effects it has on the nervous system , more than ever for anxiety. The element that improves mood is defined, which guarantees well-being and ensures total calm and concentration to our mind: how do we think we can do without it? Here are the main actions different types of magnesium.

Transmission of nerve impulses

As we have anticipated, in situations of magnesium deficiency the nerve impulses are not sent correctly . Therefore, thanks to the correct integration, it is possible to normalize the activity of the hypothalamus, the part of our brain that plays a fundamental role in the management of non-voluntary functions . At the same time, it helps to reduce excess adrenaline and prevents the negative consequences it could have on the heart, muscles, intestines and brain.

different types of magnesium

It stimulates the Gaba receptors

Again in relation to the activity of the nervous system, magnesium chloride stimulates the GABA receptors which act as real relaxants on the activity of our brain . When the latter are not stimulated correctly, what happens? That the brain remains suspended and neuronal hyperactivity occurs. Not very positive thoughts, episodes of anxiety and stress increase: when these alarm bells appear we must immediately take action by integrating the correct dose of magnesium chloride.

Balance of the muscular system

The main enemy of sleep is stress, which causes many difficulties in falling asleep peacefully . In these cases, magnesium chloride is the best help that can come from nature as it favors the adaptation of cells to the day-night rhythm, exerts a relaxing action for a peaceful and fabulous sleep .

Protection of the cardiovascular system

Magnesium chloride has always been considered an excellent ally of the heart , as it protects it from arrhythmias, palpitations and hypertension thanks to its relaxing and calming action, especially in the problems faced . It also carries out a preventive and protective action on the endothelium and preserves the elasticity of the arteries.

Adjust the pH

Did you know that anxiety can often also have a completely physiological origin ? Tissue acidity can negatively affect the nervous system. More and more studies show that an acidification of the brain environment has a negative effect on the activity of neurotransmitters and consequently on the mood . In these cases, the magnesium chloride by restoring the natural pH of the organism counteracts and solves any problems.

By Ronan