There are numerous moments in life where people end up leaning on someone they trust for assistance and guidance. These individuals offer the needed advice to people, as well as work towards directing and shaping their present situation and future opportunities for the better. This process is known as mentoring, and it can be linked to both the personal and professional lives of people. There are many companies and individuals who are deeply involved in mentoring. For example, Martin Sanders is the president and founder of Global Leadership, Inc., which is a nonprofit organization that puts emphasis on developing and mentoring leaders around the world.
The purpose of mentoring is to tap into the existing skills, knowledge, and expertise of an experienced individual, and transfer those qualities into amateur or less experienced workers in order to advance their careers. Since the year of 1994, the organization formed by Martin Sanders, Global Leadership, Inc. has been helping individuals and organizations by focusing on character. This organization uses highly personalized leadership development models for its mentoring process. In addition to providing guidance and advice to the mentees, mentors often act as a sounding board for their thoughts as well. These mentors always try their best to contribute to the continued growth and development of the mentees.
The system of mentoring is advantageous for both mentors and mentees. The following pointers briefly explain how:
- Benefits for mentees: Being mentored is one of the most effective and valuable development opportunities one may come across. Enjoying the encouragement, support, and guidance of trusted and experienced mentors can offer mentees a wide range of professional and personal advantages. Mentees enjoy exposure to new ideas and ways of thinking, advice on developing strengths and overcoming weaknesses, as well as guidance on professional development and advancement through the process. They also get the opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge.
- Benefits for mentors: Mentoring involves a lot more than just the transfer of knowledge, insights, and advice. This relationship is meant to offer reciprocal benefits for mentors who are willing to invest their time into the development of another individual. There are many tangible benefits enjoyed by professional mentors, apart from the personal satisfaction of sharing their knowledge and skills with a willing learner. The mentors firstly get recognition as a subject matter expert and leader, and also have the opportunity to reflect on their own goals and practices. While taking to the mentees, the mentors may even be exposed to fresh perspectives, ideas and approaches. They also get to develop their personal leadership and coaching styles through the process.
To gain better insight into mentoring, people can always check out the books written by Martin Sanders, particularly ‘The Power of Mentoring: Shaping People Who Will Shape the World’. The mentoring relationship is built on mutual communication, respect and trust. It tends to involve regular meetings of both the patients regularly to set goals, exchange ideas, discuss progress, and plan for further development.