Human Beings are great travelers. They have been travelling since they came out of Africa, and have never stopped. There are plans afoot to take human beings to the nearest habitable planet, through vast interstellar space. International travel is becoming common place these days. But the Documentation does not seem to have kept pace with the times. Firstly, since family passports are no longer issued by most nations due to verification problems, travel by family groups using a single passport is no longer possible by citizens of most countries. Family travel is therefore approved, or not, by the country visited, is in the form of Family Visas. It needs Specialists to fix Family Visas for acceptance by the Embassy or Consulate of the country to be visited. It is the same situation with Partners and here too the situation is so complex that Specialists need to be called to represent the couple. These family and partner visa specialists ensure that the country visited permits tourists, who are Family or Partners, to enter their country.
Passports and Visas
Two pieces of document are essential to travel from country to country across borders. The First is the Passport, which provides the personal identification of the traveler. This identification is authorized by the country in which the traveler has Citizenship, and is used abroad during travelling. In certifying the identity of the traveler, the Passport also provides a set of verified personal details about the Passport Holder.
It gives the Permanent Address, Parentage, and Date of Birth and carries both the Identifiable Signature and Frontal Facial Photograph of the Holder. It has a unique passport number, date of issue and date of expiry. The Passport booklet carries a set of pages divided into quarters and numbered, on which the Visa maybe stamped or glued. The Visa on the other hand is an official permission which temporarily authorizes the traveler to enter and stay in a foreign country for a limited period of time.
Visa Problems For Partners and Family
While the world recognizes the legal status of Live-in Partners, the Visa office does not. The Specialists are needed to prepare an application citing special circumstances and providing acceptable certification, to prove the legal validity of the relationship. In the case of Family Visas too, the complex situation requires careful handling by a Specialist or Specialized Firm.
The Specialists
Family and partner visa specialists need to be fully conversant with the Travel Permit Laws of both the country of origin or citizenship of the Traveler and the country to be visited. Certain Firms of Specialists focus on travel between different sets of countries. For example, a Firm deals with travel between, say, UK and Australia.