Reddy Kancharla Says How Much Footing and Foundation are Absolutely Critical for a Building Structure

Construction projects can be difficult at times. This is because they involve key processes, which, if not followed properly, can lead to problems later. One thing that plays an essential role in construction projects is building footings and foundations. While these two are critical, they also tend to be among those processes which cause the most trouble to engineers. You need to consider factors such as timing, cost, requirements, and much more. This is why it is important you fully understand its importance in building big projects. To make your job easier, it is recommended you make use of structural design software for preparing combined footing design.


Reddy Kancharla says foundation basically works as a connector in the middle of the building’s walls and the footing. You can see the foundation, for example like the basement, crawl space wall, etc. To help you understand the importance of footing and foundations, we have listed down some points. You can look at them to get a better idea about this critical part of constructing buildings. Below are those points.

 A lot of people fail to realize that when they go for a steel building, footing and foundation are elements that are distinct from the ambit of design and building purchase. Therefore, it is advised that when you are in the process of budgeting, you should ask for quotes for both the foundation required as well as the building.

Need detailing

You need to understand that footing and foundation cannot be worked out and completed in haste; they require proper attention and time. This is because they both are one of the most crucial aspects of a structure’s viability. Every construction site is different, with different kinds of soil, moisture, and stability. You will be surprised to know that these conditions can be different even on the same site.

Since you are investing money, it is obvious that you want the structure to remain solid for years to come. To make your building last long, you will have to pay special attention to the building’s footings and foundation. If these two fails, the building will get damaged quickly. Problems such as leaks, shifting of walls, etc., are likely to take place if the footing and foundation are not good.

To avoid the above scenarios, it is best that you make use of structural design software. It will help you prepare the footing design in less time and with confidence. As per Reddy Kancharla, many companies online provide such software at a great price. You can get in touch with them to make use of this software. You can look for such companies online and get in touch with them to get this essential software for your civil engineering projects. You will get a huge amount of help by adding this software to your planning and designing.

By Ronan