Six Easy Ways to Keep Your Feet from Getting Fungal Infection

Six Easy Ways to Keep Your Feet from Getting Fungal Infection

If you have a warm sweaty foot, there’s a big chance that you might contract a fungal infection in that area. It sounds alarming but there is no need to worry about it since there are tons of antifungal cream out there that can easily treat any types of fungal infection especially athlete’s foot that occurs commonly around the toenails.

If you have experienced having the fungal infection anywhere on your body, there are also tons of ways to prevent it from coming back. In this article, let me teach you simple hygienic practices to keep yourself safe from this dreaded skin disease.

Getting rid of the fungal infection in the body can be treated by topical antifungal creams, ointments, soaps and powders just like Fungalor but it is more practical to practice hygiene rather than treating this skin diseases that might keep coming back. Like what they say, prevention is better than cure so here are some healthy and hygienic habits that you can learn and share with your loved ones.


  1. Trim the toenails– One of the most important parts of a good hygiene is to regularly trim the toenails. It is a no-brainer that trimming that toenails not just give your foot a good clean look, it can also prevent bacteria from multiplying in the nails that can cause fungal infection. Trimming toenails can also prevent your foot from getting tangled with the sock’s cloth and being injured.
  2. Wear comfortable shoes/flip flops– Wearing tight shoes that are not your size don’t just damage your toenails that cause injuries, in the long run, it is also a huge contributor to develop fungal build-up in the area because of its tightness, there’s also the development of moisture. Wet areas in the body are the number one causes of fungal infection.
  3. Don’t use the same shoes every time– It may not sound that practical but wearing the same shoes every day is also unsanitary that causes bacteria and fungi to build up because of the moist coming from the foot’s sweat that is left inside the shoes. A few good pairs of comfortable and breathable shoes and slippers are a good idea to prevent you from getting a fungal infection.
  4. Don’t do barefooting– As we all know, the ground that we are stepping in is home to millions of kinds of bacteria that are harmful to our body and walking barefoot regardless of where you are exposes to these bacteria that cause fungal infection that is why it is best advised to wear shoes or slippers whenever or wherever.
  5. Regularly disinfect yourself– Washing your feet everyday especially right after you take off your shoes or slippers is one of the most effective ways to prevent fungi from building up. Using an antibacterial soap and a clean water, you can disinfect your feet from fungi. After you wash it to make sure that you pat it dry to prevent fungi from building up in the area that is still wet and moist.

By Ronan