Spoonful honey to boost immune level

As we know, honey is a natural source of many health benefits as it contains a complete balance of nutritional values. It is a rich source of iron, calcium, magnesium, antioxidants, and anti-bacterial properties that helps in boosting immunity in natural ways.

It is worth buying to get a little space in your kitchen to keep the diseases at bay as it includes the properties to fight against viruses and bacteria.

Also, our ancestors prescribed it to aid many health issues, such as help in weight loss, digestion problems, remove toxins, and so on. A spoonful is enough to get all benefits to stay sound and healthy. 

Recipes to boost immunity level: 

Smoothie with honey and banana 

Honey comes in the list of health products Singapore due to the nutritional superpowers found in it. You can add this nutritive smoothie to your daily diet as it is very simple to make. Follow some simple steps to gain all health benefits:

  • Take a blender and add some peeled bananas along with some yogurt in it.
  • Add a spoonful of honey and some nuts or seeds. You can add some water also to maintain a proper consistency
  • Whisk it properly till turning smooth
  • Now it is ready, pour this smoothie into your favorite glass
  • You can garnish it with some nut and seeds 

Honey lemon tea along with ginger

This mixture contains all healing properties and a perfect partner for brunch time. You will have to take only three ingredients to get a quick boost in your energy that follows:

  • Take a small piece of ginger and a lemon
  • Take a pan and add some water
  • Then add ginger into the pan
  • Boil for two to three minutes
  • Take off the pan from gas and add some lemon along with one teaspoon of a honey
  • The drink is ready to consume and stay healthy

Smoothie with granola fruit

It is an excellent drink for boosting immunity as it contains honey which counts in the row of Health products Singapore, Find the recipe below:

  • Take granola and crush it into the blender
  • Add some Greek yogurt and milk along with a spoon of honey
  • Blender well till smooth
  • Pour into the glass nicely
  • Add some nuts over it if you desired
  • Now, granola smoothie is ready

In this way, you can naturally boost your immunity in just three simple recipes that not only delicious but healthy also.

By Ronan