Typography: The Modern Day Art Medium

Typography is considered as the modern medium of art. Many are still using calligraphy or hand lettering. But in this day and age, the digital world is slowly becoming the trend. This is the same with graphic designers. There are different typography online tutorials for beginners who want to learn more about digital graphic designing.

According to research, web design is 90% typography. This is partly true because of its color, the layout, and the design elements where typography plays a very important role. These are very important since you need to communicate, grab your audience’s attention and convey the message behind your art.

Typography: Why Is Important?

Typography is sometimes overlooked. But for graphic designers, this plays a very important role in the presentation process. The logo that we see everywhere are specifically designed to match a font that would perfectly showcase the brand. Typography can make a huge influence when it comes to the total look and the feel of every presentation. So here are the reasons why typography is important.

  • Attention-Grabber. When typography is used correctly, it can catch and hold the audience’s attention. It can convey a certain feeling and mood. The audience will be able to understand the message that you want to impart.
  • Reader-Friendly. With typography, the fonts are commonly clean and very pleasant in the eyes of the audience. Remember that when the fonts are too small, the presentation will not be given the attention that it needs. Have fun with your projects. Make sure that your audience can easily comprehend the message of your presentation.
  • Emphasizes Important Points. When you are using different font sizes and styles, the audience will be able to determine the important words and points of your presentation without reading everything. This will be easier to make the audience follow through and keep their attention to your presentation.
  • It Unifies The Presentation. When you are using the same font for your presentation, it is simpler and creates a sense of continuity. Make sure that your fonts are aligned accordingly and in proportion.
  • Easier To Remember. Using typography the right way, it will make your visuals easy to remember. Your audience will be able to recognize the poster or the logo anywhere they see it. Remember that typography can help your company make a mark on your viewers.

The Uses Of Typography

Like calligraphy, typography can be used in different things. It is not solely for art purposes. Here are the different aspects where typography is used:

  • Advertising
  • Business communications
  • Product designs and instruction manuals
  • Logo designs
  • Promo materials

Typography is everywhere. Although this is commonly overlooked, when you study every logo closely, you will notice that every stroke, every design that you see makes a difference and it means something to the brand. This is the reason why these days, studying and learning about typography is very important. This is slowly becoming the trend since many companies would want to reach out to their customers and clients easily. They want their audience to easily remember them. If you have the knowledge, you can make a career out of your knowledge in typography.

By Ronan