What Does A Pandemic Actually Mean and Is COVID 19 A Pandemic?

Protective Masks

Amidst the chaos and rapid spread of the novel corona virus, we have all become very inquisitive and interested in understanding the scientific and the social details about it. May be what everyone thinks is that perhaps if we learn and understand this better, we will be able to face this situation better and, this is partially true.

Awareness is the key to handle many situations, not just a disease outbreak. So, I decided to write this article on pandemics and throw some light on it and the related topics too so that you can stay safe, stay indoors and read on this interesting article and spend some time in meaningful learning.

What is an outbreak, an epidemic and a pandemic?

We all know that in general these are all words used to refer the spread of diseases. We vaguely relate them to communicable diseases and we all would use these words interchangeably. However, now that we are analyzing why there are these different words, we learn the exact difference.

Protective Masks

Outbreak of the disease – This is when a disease is infectious and it spreads very rapidly and the number of infected cases is very high. It may last for some days or even years.

Epidemic – An outbreak of the disease becomes an epidemic when the disease spreads very rapidly and reaches a wide area or a larger geographic location.

Pandemic – A pandemic, also a wide spread of infection is even worse and the infection spreads across countries and continents.

Stay indoors to handle the pandemic disease outbreak

The best way to handle this situation is to stay safely locked in the insides of your home. Do not fret about staying locked in as it is the only way to save yourself and the rest of the world from the deadly corona spread. Put all the delivery services and the online shops to good use and try to order as many things possible only from the online shops.

Step out of your home the least and only if it is absolutely necessary. When you want to go out, make sure to cover your nose and mouth by wearing protective masks. Even to get those masks, do not go out. You can buy high quality respiratory masks from the website of Custom Earth Promos.

They are popular for their reusable and eco-friendly bags and other such unique promotional products. Now they are here to serve you with a number of designs and featured respiratory masks. They have use and throw masks to the N95 masks etc. Order from their website and their products will be delivered to your doorstep.

The world is always full of changes and nothing is permanent here. So, is the novel corona virus or this situation. It will all heal fast, if we strictly adhere to the instructions given to us. Let us all hope for positive changes and the world will get back to normalcy very soon!

By Ronan