What Everyone Must Know About Hippie Flip?

Hippie Flip

Hippie flipping is a mixture of magic mushrooms and MDMA. This is mainly a powerful combination, as this contains good qualities of both compounds. Hippie flipping is otherwise known as “flower flipping,.” Some of the important facts about hippie flip have been discussed in this article.

Important effects of the hippie flip to know about


Below are some of the important effects of hippie flip:

The effects of hippie flipping mainly depend on different factors.

  1. The order in which the user mainly takes the magic shrooms and MDMA
  2. The duration for which the user has to wait in between dosing
  3. The suitable dose of each
  4. The authenticity of MDMA and whether the same has been changed with any other type of substances
  5. The environment
  6. Some of the biological as well as psychological factors

hippie flip

The effects of hippie flipping mainly vary from person to person.

Some of the important effects of consuming hippie flip are mentioned below:

  1. The person can feel euphoric as well as there can be an increase in social bonding
  2. This mainly leads to strong visual effects.
  3. A person may have some elevated senses. There can be improvement in sensing music, light, color, as well as touch. This can become a source of fascination as well as enjoyment
  4. MDMA can make someone feel more sociable because of the presence of magic mushrooms.
  5. The user can experience intense emotional experiences. The user must be prepared for some possible emotional challenges.

The effects of magic mushrooms mainly last for 4 to 6 hours. While the effects of MDMA mainly last for 3 to 6 hours. So, the effect of the hippie flip mainly lasts for more than 6 hours. Depending on the timing of consumption, the effects could last for more than 10 hours.

Different side effects of Hippie flip to know about

One of the important effects of consuming MDMA mainly results in increased heart rate as well as blood pressure. Magic mushrooms can also help improve blood pressure and pulse rate, which increases the heart rate. Overconsumption of hippie flipping can have a similar effect as taking an extra amount of MDMA. This mainly increases body temperature. The effects of hippie flip mainly vary depending on different factors, including age, the amount being taken, the person’s mood, and personality.

These are some of the important facts to know about the hippie flip.

By Ronan