What Happens if You Use Clenbuterol on Animals?

Before anything else, we should establish that Clenbuterol is illegal for use in humans and in food-producing animals. On that note, the drug is classified as a controlled substance, which means it’s illegal to use in many different regions across the globe. Most of the Clenbuterol that can be found are either made or sold in underground laboratories and on the black market.

While it’s illegal, Clenbuterol is still being used in many locations on the planet, and it’s being used on certain livestock such as poultry, cattle, and swine. Aside from its use in animals, this classapedia can be seen to be utilized in the fitness and bodybuilding industries because of the drug’s ability to enhance overall athletic ability, among other things.

Looking at the Issue of Clenbuterol Use

We live in a world where we deem “bigger will always be better,” and it would seem that this isn’t always the case when we’re looking at body types. We tend to look at larger objects to be better in most cases than their smaller counterparts, like when we’re looking at cups of coffee, houses, computers, television screens, farm animals, and bicep size. Now that we’re looking at high demands for meat, many livestock farmers are now pressured to keep up with the requirements brought upon them just so they can increase efficiency and the rate of which they can produce slaughtered animals. It’s in this scenario that Clenbuterol use comes into play; with the help of this drug, it can easily and quickly eliminate fat from animals. However, this leads to a number of issues, including bringing the possibility of toxic residues that might be created in the meat. Hence, eating meat from animals fed with Clenbuterol might bring about illnesses and ailments to humans.

The Effects of Clenbuterol Use in Food Animals

There are reports that the illegal use of Clenbuterol in food animals leads to having less fat with a significant increase in their protein content. However, dishonest methods of using the drug in the animals can cause changes to the subject’s organs, according to reports. Some of the organs that allegedly change include the following: lungs, eyes, and liver. Furthermore, Clenbuterol can convert into a more toxic or active compound when it enters the subject’s bloodstream. As a result, it can bring about toxic compounds that will remain in the animal’s tissues. Eating the meat from animals fed with unwise uses of Clenbuterol can lead to complications to human health and well-being.

The Effects of Clenbuterol of Poultry

Just like with other similar steroids, the prolonged or excessive usage of Clenbuterol to poultry will decrease the subject’s tissue sensitivity. Furthermore, the drug has been reported to create an impact on the central nervous system of this particular food animal. Hence, it can affect their behavior, such as feeding patterns. Some reports indicate that the unwise use of Clenbuterol to poultry can lead to reduced appetite and muscle hypertrophy.

The Effects of Clenbuterol on Cattle

The illegal use of Clenbuterol on cattle can lead to a significant increase in the parameters of coagulation. As a result, it can bring about an interference in the coagulation process. It would ultimately mean that the cattle treated with Clenbuterol will have a higher risk of having hemorrhages at some stage in trauma.

While there are some scenarios that Clenbuterol is legal for use in farm animals, unwise and illegal use of the drug to food animals can bring about several negative effects. However, it can’t be disregarded that there are some effects of Clenbuterol on animals that lean on the positive side of things.

By Ronan