‘Emotional abuse’ is something that we hear commonly whenever we engage in conversations regarding mental health. But, what does it actually mean? Emotional abuse denotes a condition when someone makes use of their power and dominance of you to manipulate you. It takes the form of abuse when it is repeated constantly and you are left drained, humiliated and unable to express what you truly feel. Often when the scenario is worsened, the one inflicting pain on you can also resort to physical violence and extreme behavior under the assumption that you are weak and unable to react or fight back. However, if you are unable to understand what emotional abuse is, you must take the emotional abuse test immediately to find out more.

If you experience any of the following signs, you must take an emotional abuse test right away to decide on the further course of action that is needed.

emotional abuse test

  • Threats:This is a clear sign of tyranny. Threats can come as verbal hostility as well as physical violence. In fact, even threatening gestures too fall in this category. If you ever feel that you are being used or treated a mere object, understand that it is emotional abuse.
  • People not caring: We all depend on each other for emotional stability. This is because social relations are the key to our survival. If you experience a situation when you are not being cared about in terms of health or even mental peace, it ca safely be called emotional abuse. Your physical fitness also plays a vital role in maintaining emotional balance.
  • Dictatorship: This is a situation that is faced by several. In such a case, there is someone who feels that they have the right to guide your choices and make decisions in place of you, without your consent. This leads to your feelings and thoughts being suppressed. Thus, leading to emotional abuse. Insensitivity is another major element here.
  • Harsh judgements: All that we do has a reason behind it. However, not everyone is always able to understand this. When you are at the receiving end of constant harsh judgements and accusations, it leads to an emotional drainage and repeated such acts definitely qualify as emotional abuse.

What is an emotional abuse test and how to go for it?

Emotions are very important in your overall well-being. If you have suppressed feelings built up in you, you are likely to suffer severe mental damage. This does not mean that you will go crazy. But, it may lead you to stop reacting to everything. Also, if there is the build-up of frustration, there might just be an instance when you let if all out at the wrong place. This is why, emotional abuse needs to be tackled as soon as possible. In fact, the physical health also suffers as you may suffer from loss of appetite, lack of motivation to work, weak physique. Thus, an emotional abuse testcan be taken online or at any psychologist’s where you will only have to answer simple questions honestly.

By Ronan