What is the important process of collecting steel?

steel recycling melbourne

Metals are known for being functional, important, and used in different ways. It is always used in industries such as cars, trucks, ships, airplanes, and railways. Aside from industrial purposes, it can be also used in making packaging, cutlery, and crockery. It is great news when you are doing steel recycling melbourne. As you don’t need to change or add any properties to build it again.

The usual recyclable metals are steel and aluminum. While copper, brass, silver, and gold are often thrown out to recycle because it is expensive. That is why it is not causing any waste disposal problem.

The process of metal recycling

The process of recycling is also the same as the standard one. When they collect it they separate the properties. That is why it is also important that you have knowledge about different kinds of metals. This will be easier to recycle the right materials to keep the environment clean. When you’re unfamiliar with the process you can follow these as it will be a great help.


Collecting will be your first thing in recycling. You have to collect the materials which are made out of metals. This means you have to be organized because there will be containers that only collect metals.

There are businesses and people that work on the scrap yards. They have people to collect them, have them in there, and get paid for what they have collected. For you to get paid well it will depend on what metal you have collected. Because in every different metal you have collected there will be a corresponding value to it.

steel recycling melbourne


After the metals have been collected you will need to separate them from each other. This will separate recyclable materials from non-recyclable ones. It is also important that you know what kind of metal quality you have.

When there is a high-quality recycled material it uses original materials which resulted in great quality. That is the reason they are being strict in the separation processes.

The important rule is the product has to be 50% metal. Even though the materials are made out of mostly plastic. It is worth your time when the material that you’re going to use is mostly metal.

When you have products that have only a small residue of metal and it is easy to use you better separate the metal.


After you have finished separating the metal from other things it is now being squeezed. They are doing these to recycle all the materials to make up some space in the van and it is easier to transport.


Once the recycled materials are being crushed the shredding will start its process. Metals are broken up into small pieces which are easier to process. The small metals will need to have a large number of metals to complete it. When you heat up the small pieces it is using the least energy when you compare them to a bigger size. Basically, the steel is now changed as a block while the aluminum can be changed as sheets.

By Ronan