What plumbing pipes are good for your building or house?

What plumbing pipes are good for your building or house

There are different kinds of plumbing pipes for commercial and residential buildings. There are plumbing pipes like Copper, PVC, and PEX that are being used depending on the usage and location to where it is being installed. There are also plumbing pipes that are brass, galvanized, and black. When you have no idea how to shop pipes and fittings you can use this. It is to know what is the best pipe you need to use in your building.

Stainless steel

The stainless steel is neat to use although it is quite expensive. It is used in some areas that are near coastal and corrosion areas. This pipe is flexible and hard. It needs special couplings to put in the other different pipes. Don’t be confused by the stainless steel pipe that has galvanized pipes. They are available in different sizes.

PEX piping

It is a kind of piping that is flexible and it is commonly used in small businesses and residential. It is quite a high initial cost but it has low maintenance. It is also a fast installation process to make the best pipe for water distribution in a building. This kind of pipe is leak-free and has a greater advantage compared to copper piping. The only problem is it can be used for any outdoor applications as it is a plastic layer and it will damage under the sun.

Copper pipe

The copper pipe is a traditional plumbing pipe that is being used to a broad duration and solidity. It gives strong corrosion resistance, a great material for hot and cold water which can be easily managed. The important key for you to think about before using copper piping. It needs to connect together and it will need extra fittings. Not all can be good at connecting the copper pipes. It is better to talk to a professional plumber.


These kinds of plumbing pipes are being used for hot and cold water to sewage applications. The pipes will matter on how thick and it will depend on the application to where it will be used.


It is a kind of piping that was being used many years ago. During that time it was the standard pipe for residential projects. Although now it is not usually being used because it is building rust inside of it. You will know that the pipe is old because the water that is coming out in the faucet has rust traces. And it can break loose from the inside. This pipe can be used in transporting greywater or non-potable water.  This plastic plumbing is ideal for potable water applications. It needs to have NSF-PW or NSF-61 to know that the pipes are good for the health.

By Ronan